Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A frost, and a dog

My garden's had a rough last couple of weeks. First, there was the frost. Three whole nights of it. I know that doesn't sound like a cold worth complaining about to those in the rest of the country, but for us, it was cold. And I had just planted my garden. So there.

The citrus trees are a wreck. The leaves are all shriveled. The more cold hardy trees fared better, and the peach is starting to turn green, so I still have hope. Maybe not for the strawberries, but the bok choy seemed to like it!

Then there was the dog. My sister's dog came to stay with us for a weekend, and let's just say she likes eating poop. I think she thought there was some cat poop in there, and she went to town. So I gave up on that seed batch, and started over yesterday. I just hope something grows. I don't care where.

On the plus side, I got a lovely present from my mommy in the mail yesterday. She sent me a book! A gardening book! With recipes! I've just read a few pages, but it's already awesome. It's called From Seed to Skillet. I'll let you know how the rest is. Thanks momma!

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